This place is SO beautiful –9 – Stuart Park and Puckeys 5

This series was taken a few days back. Today isn’t quite like this.



Beautiful, but also potentially deadly.

It’s been just over 12 months since Paolo Lucchini, 30, was pulled from the surf at Puckeys.

He was revived after being pulled lifeless from the water, but died in Wollongong Hospital on Christmas Day.

Two years earlier, a 60-year-old Berkeley man also drowned while swimming at Puckeys Beach. – 26 December 2011



The message is clear – swim at Puckeys Beach and you risk death by drowning.

New signs dotted along the length of a recently installed fence at the Wollongong beach don’t mince their words.

The signs not only warn swimmers of strong currents and submerged objects, they also advise the notorious area has claimed lives before. – 13 December 2011